Financial Advisor Seminars

Seminar marketing is a time-tested business development method for financial advisors and financial planners. But today’s consumers are wary of the financial services industry. To connect with them, sales pitches are best avoided.

Instead, you need to build trust and educate prospects so they understand the benefits of your services.

Connect with your prospects with white-label financial seminars by Wavelength.  Developed by our team with adult education expertise, these seminars include humor, interactive polls and pop quizzes to engage participants.

Provided in a powerpoint format that you may use as is, or personalize.

Now Available: How to Find the Right Financial Advisor Seminar

RIAs have a significant opportunity with the recent press about the DOL Fiduciary Rule. If your firm has always acted as a fiduciary, it’s the perfect time to educate potential clients about that!

  • The seminar gives participants an introduction into what they need to consider when looking for a financial advisor.
  • There’s use of polls and fun quiz questions to make the presentation more interactive.
  • Cartoons are used to loosen up the entire topic and poke fun at aspects of it, which helps people feel more comfortable.
  • The content also helps people understand the difference between traditional stockbrokers and the RIA model of comprehensive financial help.

Overall, the seminar empowers the consumer by providing information that is critical, but not easy to obtain or well understood.  At the same time, participants will realize how much work is involved in finding a good advisor.

Build trust and credibility with your prospects, using subject matter you already know very well.

Can Wavelength help you achieve your goals?

Contact us for more information or a fixed-fee quote based on your needs.