Financial Advisor Blog Writing: How to Pick Topics That Attract New Clients

financial ghostwriting
Blogging is a proven way for financial advisors to gain visibility, but it can be tough to come up with ideas on what to write about.

Financial advisor blog writing is a simple way to generate traffic to your website.  Whether you’re doing it in-house or working with a financial ghostwriting service, it’s a proven method for increasing your firm’s online visibility and generating new leads.

These articles are ideal opportunities to give prospects insight into what it’s like to work with you. Sometimes it can be tough to come up with ideas on what to write about.  Many advisors simply start writing about topics they find interesting.  Maybe it’s effective asset allocation or a piece on the likely future direction of interest rates, or something totally different.  There’s nothing really wrong with this, if your goal is to attract other financial advisors!   Unfortunately if your blog starts with the perspective of a financial person in mind, you’re not likely to attract who you’re really looking for:  new clients.

Instead, all of your blog topics should be specifically aimed at the prospective clients you wish to attract.  To do that, you need to put yourself in their shoes.

Here’s three strategies to help you do that.

#1:  What scares your clients the most?

Like it or not, most everyone has money fears.  From the divorced executive wondering how he or she can maintain his/her lifestyle in retirement, to business owners fearing the next recession, everyone has concerns that cause worry.

Think about those, and come up with topics that hit those concerns head on.  Some examples:

  • Top five things to do to ensure you don’t outlive your assets
  • How to make your financial life recession-proof

#2:  What compliments do you hear most from clients?

Perception is a funny thing.  You may think the most important thing you do for clients is provide steady returns.  However, they may see something totally different.  Maybe if asked, they might say you help them avoid money fights with their spouse, or help them feel confident that they will reach their financial goals.  Or they feel organized and confident about the future.  Whatever it is, we need to remember that value is always in the eye of beholder.  Your clients pay you, so whatever they appreciate means this is a distinct value you provide.

If you write about areas where you help people the most, you are writing from a position of strength.  In the process, you’ll help show potential clients what it’s like to work with you…through a client’s eyes.

Here’s an example:  Let’s say you have had many clients go through a divorce in the past few years.  Recently, the compliments you hear most are that you are a fantastic resource for life transitions and clients don’t know what they would have done without you to avoid rash decisions.

To catch the attention of similar prospects who are going through a divorce or other life transition, here’s some topics you might consider:

  • Five financial moves to make now if you think divorce is on the horizon
  • Five common financial mistakes to avoid during a divorce

#3:  What surprises you most when you work with a new client?

A third ripe area for topics is what you most commonly find when you work with clients who choose your services.  Is there anything you see frequently?

Are most of them taking far more risk than they should?  Are they supporting their adult children instead of putting extra money away for retirement?

Most likely, this was one of the first things you worked on with them.  So here’s another way to identify the most immediate value you provide to clients.

So, sample topics for these subjects might include:

  • Are you less diversified than you think? Don’t wait for the next bear market to find out
  • How and when to help grown children out financially at the same time you’re funding your retirement

That’s three easy ways to come up with topics for financial advisor blog writing.  Whether you write them yourself or use a financial advisor ghostwriting service to interview you and put your thoughts into words, these strategies will help you target those clients you’d most like to have in your practice.

Jeanne Klimowski is the founder of Wavelength Financial Content Inc.  and a financial ghostwriter. Wavelength is a provider of content for financial advisors and financial wellness programs.



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